A few summers ago, our eldest and I embarked on a cross-country road trip together,
during which he coined the phrase "mom fail" for my many parenting blunders.
It was hilarious...and unnerving to realize how closely he watches and assesses what I do.
But I loved how comfortable he felt to call me out.
It was also somewhat liberating because the phrase nearly always captured both the humor of the situation and acknowledged the internal sense of failure I experienced whenever I did something "wrong."
I hadn't really given it much thought until today when he informed me that while I had reminded him to get dressed for school pictures, I had not actually submitted the order form.
He was nonchalant with the reveal but as he jumped on a couch cushion he muttered,
"hashtag mom fail" {because everything gets a hashtag these days}
followed by a nervous giggle.
It was perfect.
Made even sweeter when he said,
"but really, it was actually kind of a me-fail because I shouldn't expect you to remember and do everything for me. Ya know?"