Sunday, February 12, 2017

This One Goes Out to the One I Love

It was dark and quiet as I walked into my apartment tonight.
no kids 
no partner 
no clutter
no chaos 
{except in my mind, per the usual}
My day has been full of writing, data sets, grant proposals, and going to class.
Back home, the kids went school, my partner went to work, they ate subs for dinner, and they all went to a middle school orchestra concert.
I am aware of their routine but not responsible for it.


Almost two decades ago
 - when he was still the illusive “church boy” and we were flirting but not flirting - 
{you know what I'm talking about}
we lounged in the back bedroom of his college apartment and talked about a zillion things.  
At the time he had sworn off marriage so I remember asking him:
 “If you ever get married and have kids, would you consider being the parent who provides primary care for the kids and home?” 

He thought for a moment and said, 
“I could see myself enjoying that role for a time.”

Photo Credit: Roni Lee Photography 2016

Well, that time has come.
While I live in another state pursuing a dream, 
he is taking on the role of primary parent and it is
His ability to partner with me extends far beyond any fantasies 
I conjured up in that dank, college apartment.

my heart, is full of gratitude.