Thursday, January 17, 2013

today. this moment.

{Outside my window}
it is blue skies and..cold.  But it smells great.  All crisp and clear.

{I am thinking}
it has been a long time since I drank diet coke for breakfast but that is what I did today in the absence of orange juice?!? I have many posts I am working on but they are slow-going so I need a quickie like this to get past my radio silence. I love to travel but I also thoroughly enjoy being back at home.

{I am thankful for}
a warm home, lingering fatigue from a cross-country adventure, a few more days off of work, family (near and far), friends (near & far), and affection.

{From the kitchen}
The dishwasher is whirring, the coffee pot is gurgling, and the last piece of birthday cake is calling my name.

{I am wearing}
athletic pants and a sweatshirt from high school. My usual rule is I have to be dressed in jeans or better to take the kids to school but I broke my rule this morning. I figured as long as I showered first...

{I am going}
to a client's home for therapy today.  I love the smidge of anxiety and thrill I feel in not knowing exactly what to expect from any given therapy session. I like my job(s).

{I am hoping}
for quality time with my big and littles this weekend. We have had a house full of guests and/or been out of town since the start of the new year so a long weekend at home - just the four of us - feels ripe with possibility.

{A few of my favorite things}
flannel sheets, warm showers, clementines, french vanilla creamer splurges, jamming to music in the car, and trashy t.v.

How is your day going?  
Right now, in this moment?

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