Tuesday, November 26, 2019

N=17 (and counting)

Y'all, this week marks the completion of my 17th dissertation interview!!

Together, these interviews represent approximately16% of returning citizens who were serving JLWOP sentences in Michigan.  They also represent...

years of prison time served
interview hours
hours of driving (~1700 miles)
hours of training, debrief, and meetings with my research team
hours of transcription
of gift cards

stories of resilience, transformation, and hope {more on this soon}

Participants have been so gracious and thoughtful and candid and funny as they share

about their lives + hopes + dreams

insight for how to better support marginalized communities...and when 
ideas for criminal justice reform.

I am so pumped and honored to be able bring their stories, insights, and ideas to light!

Thank You to all who have supported me in the last few months 
with words of encouragement, questions about my research, and financial contributions.
Your touch points have been essential for me as I continue this project while also teaching, working on manuscripts and grant applications, seeing clients, and 
being a partner+parent+sibling+adult kid+friend++++.  
Thank you.


Now, at this point in any conversation, two questions typically emerge:

Q1. Are you done yet?
Short answer = No

Done = complete dissertation and graduation
{anticipated date for both: December 2020}

The goal for my dissertation is N=22 so I will continue toward that goal {and beyond, as I can}
I am also waiting to hear back on some funding that would support travel to potential participants who live outside of southeast Michigan.  I believe these perspectives are valuable as we think about how to support folks returning to society from long prison sentences on a more national level.

Q2. What comes next?
Short answer = Get a job

I plan to go on the academic market {i.e. look for faculty jobs at universities across the U.S.} in a year with my eyes on starting the job in Fall 2021.  As many of you know, Quentin will be a senior that year so we may need to be creative in our arrangements but we are "going Team" on all of this {as we do} and trust we will find our way. 

Team Brydon Ottawa Adventure - August 2019

hard work

for all that comes next.  Stay tuned...

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