Monday, January 30, 2012

retrieving my mojo

Sometimes my mojo goes missing.
It slowly wanders away and then one day, I find it has done gone left the building.
Friday was the day.
I spent the morning catching up on blogs, facebook, email, current events, and some sleep.
I loaded up a Little in the car to run errands and on our way to Target {of all places
I start to cry

A maneuver not lost on the 2 year old sitting behind me who keeps saying "Mommy, cry?"
But when I try to pinpoint the origin of those alligator tears, they fall more fiercely:

I feel pressure to be all things at all times 
{mother, wife, friend, domestic goddess, clinician, citizen...}
It seems like most everyone around me has their shit together 
{even though I know full well this is not true}
When I play the "what if..." game, it seems like I would be happier/richer/more stable/content if 
I had made different decisions.
{also not true}
I feel pressure {mostly internal} to try to be someone or something else.

My husband called while I was in the store.
{imagine the absurdity of trying to explain the state of my mojo into a cell phone while searching for light bulbs}

He said, It's a good thing you have dinner plans tonight, Daph.
{So true}

I spent the rest of the afternoon with the Littles and then drove away, with music blaring, to have dinner with a good-for-the-soul friend.  I didn't have to pretend. I didn't have to apologize.  
There was no expectation that my mojo would join us for dinner.  
And we talked - for a long while. 
Saturday I slept and baked and worked and snuggled.
Sunday I baked and cooked.  
All day.
I wrote blog posts in my head.
I chased the kids around the house. 
I snuggled with the boys.
I watched Dexter.
I ate good food.
I found my mojo -
In being all things I wanted to be...

 for me

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