Friday, November 22, 2013

parce que

And is he worthy?
asks the father to his child.

A heart for the one and
A head for the other

Though we are not comprised
of the same
Do we share enough so that
love for the other
might be our pleasured game?

And do you love him?
the father probes.
Her lips do not hesitate:
Why? is the father's reply.

His hair and how
it flops to each side.
His mouth and how
it dances with words.
His mind and how
it transforms everyday thoughts.
His hands and how
they never seem to fail.
His patience and how
it wades through her excitement.
His love and how
it shows in all things.

And see, she says:
A heart for one and a head for the other
A fitting complement for each.

I love him for who I am not.
I love him for who we are together -
far richer than being alone.

With that, her smile curls
into her eyes
and the matter is settled.


  1. maybe my favorite post. this is a good one, my friend.

  2. Thanks, Sooz! It's a little ditty I found in a journal from 15 years ago. Still holds true
