Monday, January 24, 2011

jammie time

Did I ever tell you about the time I met a friend for breakfast with my pajama-clad 9 month old in tow?  About how when we were escorted to our table a woman said (a little louder than was necessary), "oh, that poor kid...shouldn't be out in his pajamas!" I laughed a little (with a stink-eye thrown in for good measure) and settled into our breakfast.  Little did I realize how much this experience meant to my friend, who did not have kids at the time, and how much it shaped her self-concept as a mother.  

She recently told me it was over that infamous breakfast when she came to terms with three things: 
1.  Everybody and their mother will feel it is reasonable to comment on your parenthood
2.  When it happens, you have a choice: laugh it off or take it personally
3.  Parenting is generally much easier when you choose to laugh

and p.s. 
It was 9 o'clock in the morning! 
Which is obviously still jammie time.


  1. Just like when we went to breakfast and Q was in his dinosaur costume - I loved what you had to say then and I love what you have to say now. Thanks for making me think outside the box Daphne!

  2. um, yes. i love this post. because 1, 2, and 3 are all so true. and bc you are an awesome mom. hello, ANYtime is jammie time in my book. last week i was over the morning clothes fight before school. so instead of jammies? monrovia got dressed. and then in bed. come morning? she was still clean, and ready for school. no meltdowns. it was awesome. of course, i'm sure some would judge- but hey, who cares.

  3. Kristin, I had totally forgotten about the "year of the dragon/dinosaur" Apparently, the prepping for that year started early, eh?

    And yes, ANYtime is jammie time. I like the solution for avoiding a morning clothes meltdown. done and done. now, if only i could avoid my own meltdown over what to wear...

  4. ooh, i need to figure out how to post my own comments, rather than do it using Trev's account. hm.
