Friday, March 1, 2013

life is like a skate park

one evening i encountered a sea side skate park.
it was a fascinating way to spend the moments before sundown.
i watched as skaters of all ages took to the curves of the park -
some were just starting out with the craft and others were clearly veterans.
as i stood there observing, i couldn't help but think:
life is like a skate park.

somewhat contained with
sexy curves and cavernous dips
the terrain requires courage, creativity, and an ounce of "cool."
one can have a smooth ride with a flourish finish
and sometimes, one breaks his arm 
{i saw it happen}

what i learned:  one has to be fearless. 
avid skaters push the limits - their own and of the space. 
amidst countless other skaters. 
they stand at the edge of the park and watch for the opportunity to get in on the action. 
with spectators standing just beyond the edge - watching 
and even if one breaks her bone - it is not failure.
you ride your board home to regroup...intent to return later.

and today i got to thinking: that is how i want to be in life.
i would like to stand at the edge and actively look for opportunities 
and take them. 
i would like to remain open to sexy curves and cavernous dips
weighing them as equals.
i would like to learn my limits and willingly test them -
no matter how many other opportunists show up {and}
no matter how many spectators are watching.
and if i break my arm, it doesn't mean i have failed.
it is an opportunity to regroup, reassess, and come back for more.

because the next run will be sweet

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